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Chef's Journal


Updated: Dec 3, 2020

Always ready 宅在家料理




For salting cabbage 白菜出水動作


3kg chinese cabbage 白菜

75g kosher salt 粗鹽

Kimchi base paste 基本醃製醬料


The sugar starch 黑糖糊

2cups water 清水

3tbsp glutinous rice flour/plain flour 糯米粉/中筋麵粉

3tbsp light/dark muscovado sugar 淺黑糖/深黑糖

Vegetable & Seasoning 蔬菜配料與調味


1cup carrot 胡蘿蔔

2cups daikon radish 白蘿蔔

8 spring onion, chopped 青蔥

1 medium onion 洋蔥

1/2cup garlic cloves 蒜

2tsp ginger 生姜

1/2cup fish sauce 魚露

2cups korean hot pepper flakes 韓國辣椒粉




Step 1 步驟一

Trim the bottom of the cabbage, make it nice and flat. One clean cut vertically on the bottom of the cabbage, then put your two thumbs inside the slit to pull the cabbage apart until fully open into two parts.

Put cabbage on the chopping board with inner part facing up. Cut the core into half, (do not cut the upper leaf part), then scope the core out by cutting it in a triangle shape.

先把白菜底部不平的地方修整切平,把白菜豎著放在切菜板上,從根部垂直切開一刀, 用兩個拇指從切開的縫隙中把白菜直接撕成兩半。把白菜放在板子上,菜心朝上,在根部切下一刀,把突出的根部切下來,這時候先不要撕開,稍後再做這個動作。


Step 2 步驟二

Put all the cabbage in the water, wet leaves are easier for the salting process. Sprinkle the salt in between each leaves. Make sure season slightly more salt on the stem part. Now leave them in a shallow tray and rest them for 2 hours. (Shallow tray is to collect the water releasing from the cabbage.) Swap the top and bottom cabbage around every 30 mins so they will evenly salted.



Step 3 步驟三

While you are waiting for the cabbage, you can now do other preparation. First let’s make the sugar starch. Combine the water and the glutinous rice flour or plain flour in a small pot. Mix well and cook with medium heat till it starts to boil. Lower down the heat, add the muscovado sugar and cook another two mins until the mixture gets smooth and thicken. Set aside and cool it down completely.



Step 4 步驟四

Now you can cut all the vegetables into juliennes, chop the spring onion, and blend the garlic and onion into purée in a food processor. Get a large bowl, add the cooled sugar starch, minced garlic and onion, fish sauce and Korean hot pepper flakes. The mixture will become a paste. Now transform all the chopped vegetables into the paste, combine all together so the base for the kimchi base is done.

等待糖漿變涼的時候,可以準備所有的蔬菜,把胡蘿蔔與白蘿蔔切成絲;蔥切成蔥花;蒜,姜與洋蔥直接用料理機打成泥狀。這時候準備一個大的容器,放入冷卻好的糖糊,蒜,姜與洋蔥泥,魚露還有韓式辣椒粉, 混合均勻後,再放入切好的蔬菜們, 攪拌好,泡菜的醃製醬料就做好了。

2 hours later when the cabbage is ready 白菜靜置兩個小時過後。。。


Step 5 步驟五

Wash the cabbage leaves throughly under cold running water for two times to wash off the excess salt, if you find the cabbage too salty, you can repeat a few more times of rinsing to reduce the salt level. You can now easily split the two halves into quarters following the slits you cut earlier. Squeeze them gently to get rid off the water, and gently lay them on a large colander to drain really well, I use a baking rack instead which I find it easier and faster for this process.



Step 6 步驟六

Gently lift each cabbage leaf, and spread the kimchi base paste all over it. You can either just lay the cabbage on top of each other or roll it into a roll, depending on the shape and size of your container. (The container needs to be completely dry and clean. )

等到白菜晾乾後,便可以開始把醃製醬料均勻塗抹在每一片葉子上面。抹好的白菜可以捲成卷放入容器中,或者放平也是可以的,看你容器的大小與形狀來決定就好。( 容器要確定完全乾燥,沒有任何水分與油漬在上面。)

You can eat the kimchi anytime from now on, but the sour taste will only appear few days later. I personally prefer to eat it after 15 days, when the sourness and saltiness has a good balance. Leave the kimchi container in the room temperature for fermentation process, until you see the kimchi juice inside starts to come up with some bubbles around the cabbage, if not that obvious from the outside, you can also test it by opening the container, move the kimchi slightly and the bubbles will appears. You can now transform the container into the fridge to slow down the fermentation process. Ideally if the container is airtight, you can keep it for a very long time, around 1-3 months has no problem at all.

做好的泡菜可以直接食用, 但是泡菜的酸味幾天之後才會出現,我個人最喜歡醃製15天過後的泡菜,酸味會變的非常的均勻,並且因為泡菜是醃製品,醃製15天過後亞硝酸鹽含量會大幅度減少,這時候吃也是最有效降低致癌風險的。把做好的泡菜放在室溫開始進行發酵, 直到你可以看到裡面的泡菜釋放出更多的水分,並且開始有些小泡泡圍繞在泡菜周圍,如果沒那麼明顯,打開容器用筷子稍微波動泡菜便會產生小泡泡, 這時候的泡菜就會開始變酸,可以把容器移至到冰箱裡面來延緩發酵速度,並且更安全的保存泡菜。泡菜建議放置冷藏大約一到三個月的時間,但是必須保存在密封的容器中,減少泡菜接觸空氣的時間以免泡菜變質。



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