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Chef's Journal

Writer's pictureBE LLONG


Updated: Dec 3, 2020

Always ready 宅在家料理

Even I try to eat healthy and light all time, but there is always a moment that I crave for fried, oily and crispy stuff. Here is Bellong’s version of chicken nuggets! Real chunk of meat, they are dense but tender and...suuuuuppper duper juicy! Stock the nuggets in your freezer, when you need to make bento box, or go out for picnic, or you are just too lazy to cook, just take them out from the fridge, fry it, done !!

就算每天吃得很健康,偶爾還是想要吃個油滋滋的東西, 配個碳酸飲料,啊, 這才是人生!已經這樣想好幾天了,所以不得不來做一下我最愛的炸雞塊!用最紮實的雞胸, 帶皮雞腿和淡淡的胡椒調味,低溫炸完再加高溫的雙層油炸帶來的雙倍脆度!一口咬下去,瞬間爆汁!冷凍庫給它存飽存滿,想吃雞塊再也不是難事嘍!無論是外出野餐,還是帶便當,或是今天就是不想煮飯,只要從冷凍庫拿出來,一下就搞定了!


INGREDIENT 食材 ( 55 pieces/ 55 塊)


I. Chicken mix 雞肉碎


250g chicken breast 雞胸肉

750g chicken thigh(skin on)帶皮去骨雞腿肉

2/3 tsp ground black peppercorn 黑胡椒粉

1 tsp fine sea salt 鹽巴

1 1/2 tsp cornflour 玉米粉

II. Flour dust 麵粉衣


1/2 cup plain flour 中筋麵粉

1/2 tsp fine sea salt 鹽巴

1/2 tsp ground black peppercorn 黑胡椒粉

III. Frying batter 炸粉糊


1 egg yolk 蛋黃

1 cup Ice cold water 冰水

2/3 cup plain flour 中筋麵粉

40 g tapioca flour 木薯淀粉

1/2 tsp fine sea salt 鹽巴

1 tsp ground black peppercorn 黑胡椒粉

1 tsp ground white peppercorn 白胡椒粉

1/4 tsp garlic powder 蒜粉

1/4 tsp baking soda 小蘇打




Step 1 步驟一

Dice the chicken thigh and chicken breast, lay them on a tray and freeze about 1 hour depends on the temperature of your fridge, when the outside of the chicken gets really hard means it's ready to blend. Put salt, ground white peppercorn, ground black peppercorn, corn flour and the frozen chicken dice in the processor. Blitz the chicken until they become very small pieces, do not over blitz into mince so you have a better texture when you eat them. You don't have to do the whole thing all at once if your processor is too small, you can divide the whole mixture into two or three portions and do them separately.



Step 2 步驟二

Now shape the nuggets and do the Flour dust. Combine everything well together in a bowl, get a parchment paper lay on baking tray, sprinkle some flour. Take a ball of Chicken mix (app. 18g each) then roll it in the flour bowl to make sure it is evenly coated with the flour, take out and press it to nugget shape. Lay them one next to each other on the tray, until you finish all the chicken mix. Freeze them around 1.5 hour till they are hard as rocks then move them into a zip bag to store them.

麵粉衣內容物全部攪拌好在一個碗中,準備一個烤盤,鋪好烘培紙並且灑些許麵粉在上面。現在開始來把雞肉碎塑型成雞塊, 取一些雞肉在手中揉成球(大約18g左右),丟進麵粉衣的碗中,四周均勻包裹上麵粉,取出壓扁並捏成類似雞塊的形狀,就可以放在烤盤上,重複同一個動作,把每一個都雞塊都排排放好直到所有雞肉碎用完。整個烤盤放進冷凍室1個半小時左右直到完全變硬,便可以把他們全部放進拉鍊袋裡面儲存。(每份雞肉在手中越快速度完成越好,可以避免雞肉碎解凍過度變太軟,將會比較難成型。)


Step 3 步驟三

Now prepare the Frying batter, Mix the wet ingredients together, and the dry ingredients separately in a bowl. Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients, gently mix it well. Drop the nuggets inside the batter, stir slightly to make sure the nuggets doesn’t stick to each other. (Whenever you feel like frying, take out the nuggets from your freezer and go straight into Step 3 & 4, they don’t need to be defrosted. )



Step 4 步驟四

Heat up enough oil in a pan on medium high heat, until the oil is reaching 170-180C. Take out nuggets from the batter, drain slightly, then drop it into the oil, don’t try to fry all nuggets at once, make sure you leave some gap in between each nugget. Lower down to medium heat while frying. Fry until nuggets turn golden yellow, then take them out and leave them on kitchen towel to absorb the oil for a bit. The last work is to fry them again on high heat around 190C for about 20-25 secs, the colour will be bold like golden light brown. Now you can serve it HOT! (The second fry will give nuggets a double crispiness, also will take out the excess oil from the nuggets. You can do the second fry just before serving.)

準備一個略深的小鍋倒入足夠的油,中高溫加熱,直到油溫到達170-180度左右(油表面會開始產生波紋,筷子放進去會快速產生泡泡)。把炸粉糊中的雞塊依次拿出來,抖掉多餘的麵糊,慢慢放入油鍋,一次不要炸太多,每個雞塊之間要留一點空間才可以均勻上色,可以調小一點火力,直到炸成金黃色即可撈出。這時候如果有別的料理或桌子要準備,先忙完所有其他瑣碎的事,最後準備開飯的時候,回來再次加熱油鍋,以高溫190度左右再炸一次全部的雞塊,大概炸個20-25秒即可,顏色會呈現更加飽和的金黃色。這樣娘家的快樂雞塊就做好了,要趁熱吃唷! (再次高溫油炸的做法會讓雞的麵粉皮變的更加的酥脆,也可以逼出多餘的油脂。)


Additional Sauce 特製醬包 (Two types / 兩種)


Sweet and Sour 甜酸醬


1/2 cup apricot preserved 甜杏

1/2 cup peach puree/peach jam 桃子果泥/果醬

1 tsp soy sauce 醬油

2 tbsp white wine vinegar 白酒醋

2 tbsp fresh lemon juice 新鮮檸檬汁

4 tbsp corn syrup 玉米糖漿

1/2 tsp salt 鹽巴

4 tbsp water 水

3 tsp corn flour 玉米粉

Spice Mix 椒鹽粉


1 tbsp ground white peppercorn 白胡椒粉

1 tbsp ground black peppercorn 黑胡椒粉

1/4 tsp ground Sichuan peppercorn 四川花椒粉

1/4 tsp garlic powder 蒜粉

1/2 tsp salt 鹽巴

Sweet and Sour Instruction 甜酸醬作法


Apart from corn flour and water, mix everything else in the blender, mix till smooth, transform into a small pot and heat it up till boiling, add the slurry cornstarch with water into the pot, mix well and cook until the sauce be more dense and thickened. Cool it down and ready to use.

太習慣去麥XX點雞塊時候沾糖醋醬了, 所以我們也少不了娘家版本的甜酸醬。除了玉米粉與水以外的其餘全部材料用機器打成泥,然後放入鍋中加熱至煮滾,把玉米粉與水攪拌好,倒入鍋中小火煮到醬變更濃稠,放涼即可。甜甜酸酸的口感,大人小孩都會非常的喜歡。

Spice Mix Instruction 椒鹽粉作法


Spice mix will make it taste like Taiwanese popcorn chicken. Just simply mix all ingredients together, and toss the fried chicken inside. Ta-daa~~ Ready to serve!

粉包是鹹鹹的口感, 略似台式鹹酥雞。只要把每個材料在一個大碗中混合均勻,把炸好的雞塊丟進來翻滾一下即可。雞塊外面鹹鹹香香,裡面則是軟嫩爆汁! ITA-DAKI-MASU



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